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Wattleview Cobberdogs

Health Testing

In order to ensure our puppies are as healthy as can be, we test all of our Australian Cobberdog breeding dogs with a Full Breed Profile through Orivet to scan for diseases that are of a risk to their breed.


This allows us to determine appropriate pairings and ensure no puppies will be affected by the testable diseases within the breed. 


We also conduct Pennhip and OFA assessment for hips in all of our breeding dogs. 

Health Testing

In order to ensure our puppies are as healthy as can be, we test all of our Australian Cobberdog breeding dogs with a Full Breed Profile through Orivet to scan for diseases that are of a risk to their breed.


This allows us to determine appropriate pairings and ensure no puppies will be affected by the testable diseases within the breed. 


We also conduct Pennhip and OFA assessment for hips in all of our breeding dogs. 


Additional Trait Tests

DNA Profile