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Contact Us

Use the form below to get in touch with us if you have a general enquiry. 

Cream Cobberdog laying on her back on the grass
Contact Form

Get In Touch

We join a small group of breeders both in Australian and across the globe whose primary aim is the health and temperament of future generations of the Australian Cobberdog.  Our member number is 20223.

To apply for an Australian Cobberdog, please visit the application form. Due to high demand and only a small number of puppies available we hold limited reservation lists for each planned litter. If you would like to be considered for an upcoming litter, please fill in our application questionnaire. 


Matching puppies to the most suitable homes is an important part of our breeding program. As a result, not everyone who contacts us will be suitable for a puppy from every litter and there will never be enough puppies available for all applicants. 


Be sure to follow our social media accounts and take a good look around our website. 
We selectively breed for health and temperament and pride ourselves on the quality of our dogs and their puppies. We want you to know about us as much as we want to know about you. 


If you have any other enquiries regarding our Wattleview Cobberdogs, please submit your questions or message below and we will get back to you shortly.